Body Weight Heaven WOD – March 29, 2020

Oh, it’s Sunday… Oh, you need to rest from the work week? Nope! Corona or no Corona, staying fit and focused is key to mental and physical health. What’s more, wouldn’t you want to come out of this with a ripping six pack? Better yet, a positive outlook and a healthy spirit? Let’s get started on some core training ideas.

  1. Planks – place your hands shoulder-width apart and instead of doing a push up keep your back straight and your core strong!
  2. Side Plans – almost the same as a plank, but place your elbow on the ground and lift from your obliques.
  3. Sit Ups – we prefer the traditional sit up as well as the crunch, but in this case try going back to the classic sit up. Lock your feet under something and then sit up (hands by your ears).
  4. Scissor Kicks – a Navy Seal classic. Lay on your back, lift your legs in the air and cross them over each other (like a scissor).
  5. Push Ups – not just a chest / shoulder workout, but a killer ab workout too! Keep your back straight and your core strong – push, push, push!

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Rico Alfero

After coming to America, Rico began his fitness journey through sports and cycling with his father, which led down a path to becoming a successful personal trainer. To date, he’s helped hundreds of people completely transform their bodies and become the beasts that they always wanted to be.

Published by
Rico Alfero

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